Saturday, June 27, 2009

Anime Convention?!

A typical Saturday afternoon spent at a bookstore. I noticed that there were lots of Japanese people at the mall today. I was planning to leave... then suddenly, just out of nowhere a bunch of people in costumes were walking around the mall. That's when I realized... "cosplay! ohmygod! I always wanted to be in an [anime] convention and see cosplay! what great luck! ohmygod!!!" I really saw a lot! I saw C.C. and Lelouch [in his Zero costume] from Code Geass, Renji from Bleach, Skywalker and Darth Vader from Star Wars, Megaman from Megaman, Chun-Li from Streetfighters, Master Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Joker from Batman, Wolverine from X-Men, Leonidas from 300, and a whole lot more! I really enjoyed taking pictures of Zero lol! I didn't get to see the whole event though... but I think the most original cosplay was the carton box! *fangirl mode* Whahahaha! =P

Friday, June 19, 2009

"A Walk to Remember"

So today is our school holiday, which means... NO CLASSES which also means... lots of free time! Yey! Today, I finally got to watch the movie "A Walk to Remember" starring Mandy Moore and Shane West [in VCD]. I never got around to watching it back in 2002 coz I was like too young to have any interest in those kind of movies. I was 7 years old so I preferred watching cartoon movies rather than tear-jerking, Nicholas Sparks-inspired movies. I didn't expect to get teary-eyed while watching the movie. I did though, when I inserted then watched disc 2. I really liked the movie! There's like so many lessons you can get from it! Lessons about not getting affected by peer pressure and all that kind of stuff... and I absolutely love the lines/quotes from the movie!

Landon: Jamie... I love you.
-long pause-
Landon: Now would be the time to say something.
Jamie: I told you not to fall in love with me.

Probably one of the most heartfelt movies ever... loved it.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Noob, Newbie, .... LOL whatever

newbie... noob...

LOL or whatever the heck you call it. I'm new here. You, dear reader, can say that I barely have any idea on what to type in this blog... I heard that some people get some of their greatest ideas ever at the bathroom so... Hmm... I wonder...Anyways! Anyway, I think I can write something a bit more interesting than this one next time...Until next time then! =P