Friday, June 19, 2009

"A Walk to Remember"

So today is our school holiday, which means... NO CLASSES which also means... lots of free time! Yey! Today, I finally got to watch the movie "A Walk to Remember" starring Mandy Moore and Shane West [in VCD]. I never got around to watching it back in 2002 coz I was like too young to have any interest in those kind of movies. I was 7 years old so I preferred watching cartoon movies rather than tear-jerking, Nicholas Sparks-inspired movies. I didn't expect to get teary-eyed while watching the movie. I did though, when I inserted then watched disc 2. I really liked the movie! There's like so many lessons you can get from it! Lessons about not getting affected by peer pressure and all that kind of stuff... and I absolutely love the lines/quotes from the movie!

Landon: Jamie... I love you.
-long pause-
Landon: Now would be the time to say something.
Jamie: I told you not to fall in love with me.

Probably one of the most heartfelt movies ever... loved it.

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